The Strange Case of Wealth Part 5

(If you didn’t read Parts 1-4, then do that first)CAM00627


He gave Quentin his address and we agreed to meet after his football practice, which ends at 4:30. Quentin walked the rest of the day with a half sense of fear and half sense of pride. His Chemistry class was about normal with the teacher talking on the inadequacy of his generation before even talking about Chemistry.

Quentin sat down next to Elice. They exchanged some pleasantries and then the bell rang. They learned about water and its special properties. After class Quentin strained a conversation with Elice and that led to nowhere. Dang, maybe Chase could help. Chemistry was Quentin’s final class, so he decided to go home until Chase was done.

While walking home he let his thoughts wander. Wow Elice sure was pretty today. If Chase could help me then maybe it would help… Why must he pester me about something stupid I did in seventh grade.  That stupid Private Investigator Agency, I even gave myself the nickname “Q”. Ugh, hopefully once this all is done this crap…”

Quentin got home and found his mom beginning to prepare dinner. He greeted her and went back to his younger brother Jimmy. Jimmy was playing with his blocks and Legos. Quentin went into his room and started his homework. He spent a couple hours on those assignments until the time finally came to go to the crime scene.

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